Bed Bug Bites

You probably didn't see the bed bug that bit you because they're very small insects.They typically hide in small crevices such as the corners of your mattress and the folds of your fabric sofa.Bed bug bites can feel different to different people. 

Some people are lucky and do not react to bed bug bites at all so that they don’t show any signs of having been bitten. Others are less lucky and may have red raised bumps. For some people, these bumps can be very swollen. This is because they are allergic to the numbing agent that bed bugs inject into you to make sure you don’t disturb their feeding session. These bumps can also be itchy for some people and painful for others. 

It's difficult (if not impossible) to know whether a bite is from a bed bug or another bug, e.g., a mosquito.There are however two possible ways to telling whether a bite is from a bed bug or not. However, this does not always lead to the correct answer. Bed bug bites often come in a row of threes. This trio of bites is sometimes known as the "breakfast, lunch, dinner" bite. Bed bug bites also usually have two puncture holes in them because they make one puncture to give you the numbing agent so that you don't wake up when they're feeding and another puncture to draw up your blood. 

If you get bitten, there are very few things you can do about it.To stop itching, common over-the-counter medications such as hydrocortisone creams and calamine lotions will help calm the skin and stop the itching.If you're interested in trying out home remedies, you can make a paste using baking soda and water or oatmeal and water and then applying the paste to the bites. This can help with the itching too. Your bites are not the only things you have to worry about though. You should act quickly on the cause of the bites by eliminating the bed bugs. 

You can eliminate bed bugs using a variety of methods. One of the best methods is the dry steamer.Bed bugs do not like heat. So dry steamers kill bed bugs by heating them up. Generally, heat above 120F will kill them.A dry steamer will cost you over $300 but damage caused by bed bugs can cost even more. If you find $300 too much, then try some cheaper methods. You can wash you clothes in hot water and then dry them on the hot setting. You can also spray any bed bug infested areas with rubbing alcohol or diatomaceous earth. However, if you're willing to spend money, then hiring an exterminator is the best way to go.